※The final price is subject to our final quote. And we reserve the right to
change the quote.
The Tea in
YS selection is strong aroma 香氣強
H selection mild 溫和
LH selection is more ground aroma 土壤的香味
W selection is light elegant 清香淡雅
0.6KG x 10 BAGS 每包0.6公斤 一箱10包
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Box is for ca. 1000 cups Tea 每箱約可做1000杯飲料配料
81,18 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less
特級包裝茉莉綠茶 (W-BA5)
(50g x 12) x 10 BAGS (50gx12)鋁袋,一箱10袋
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Box is for ca. 1000 cups Tea 每箱約可做1000杯飲料配料
68,22 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less
0.6KG x 10 BAGS 每包0.6公斤 一箱10包
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Box is for ca. 1000 cups Tea 每箱約可做1000杯飲料配料
53,40 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less
(50g x 12) x 10 BAGS (50gx12)袋,一箱10袋
(60g x 10) x 10 BAGS (60gx10)袋,一箱10袋
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Box is for ca. 1000 cups Tea 每箱約可做1000杯飲料配料
58,13 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less
0.6KG x 10 BAGS 每包0.6公斤 一箱10包
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Box is for ca. 1000 cups Tea 每箱約可做1000杯飲料配料
71,14 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less
0.6KG x 10 BAGS 每包0.6公斤 一箱10包
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Box is for ca. 1000 cups Tea 每箱約可做1000杯飲料配料
86,76 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less
錫蘭(西冷)紅茶(斯里蘭卡)(散裝)彩色 (YS-BA20)
0.6KG x 10 BAGS 每包0.6公斤 一箱10包
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Box is for ca. 1000 cups Tea 每箱約可做1000杯飲料配料
59,31 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less
0.6KG x 10 BAGS 每包0.6公斤 一箱10包
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Box is for ca. 1000 cups Tea 每箱約可做1000杯飲料配料
59,31 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less
BA40 薩蘭紅茶/BA41 伯爵紅茶
BA43 玫瑰紅茶
BA44 蜜香紅茶/BA45 茉香綠茶
BA46 四季清茶
BA48 鐵觀音烏龍/ BA49 桂花烏龍
BA53 阿薩姆紅茶
8-10 G x 100 BAGS 每茶包約8-10 克 一袋100包
SHELF LIFE : 18-22 MONTHS 保存期限: 18-22個月
One Pack is for ca. 100 cups Tea 每袋約可做100杯飲料配料
38,17 €
Final price excl. shipping costs
Free shipping to the following countries: Show more Show less